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YE0106 color test chart

[ Time: 2017-12-28 ]
  • Detailed Information

Sineimage YE0106Color check photography color bar test chart - transparency 

YE0106 Color Checker Test Chart Used to check the color reproduction of a TV camera. The image area is divided into six color bars, which respectively represent the three primary colors of red, green and blue and the secondary colors of cyan, yellow and purple;
YE0106 color test chart
YE0106 test chart used to check the color reproduction of the TV camera. The picture area is divided into six color bars, which respectively represent the three primary colors of red, green and blue, the secondary colors of cyan, yellow and purple. There is also a white and black bar. This series is equivalent to the electronically generated color bar.
color Transparent  yellow blue green magenta red blue
density 0.08〜1.0 1.4〜2.0 0.9〜1.3 1.95〜2.35 1.1〜1.5 1.8〜3.0 0.8〜1.2

Transparent type

  Effective area External dimensions
4:3 245×175 320×290
16:9 272×153 310×200

Note: We only support any custom test chart only with high-resolution images and dimensions.

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