Plastic chip color collection
Looking for a specific color within the color range? Get the color you need in one collection. Our plastic chip color set matches our PMS color system, so you can match the plastic to your printing and packaging colors. Each set consists of a series of 100 plastic chips from the most popular color family: gray and black, yellow, orange, gold, red, green or blue.

Single turntable with swivel base for easy color selection and chip change
Made of polypropylene, the most cited plastic material

Each chip is 3 "x 1.9" large enough to be measured with a spectrophotometer
Two layers of thickness (1mm and 2mm) allow for accurate color visualization
Double glossy and matte finish for accurate color visualization
The key ring hole in the upper right corner allows the chip to be organized into a palette

Favorite Features The most popular color families - each 100 chips
Choose from five different PMS color sets: Blues, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Gold and Black and Gray
PANTONE color number and / or name refer to each plastic chip
CD contains numbers and color indexes

Used to match our PMS color system so that you can match the plastic to your typographic and packaging colors
For any product made of colored plastic, including beauty, food and beverage, consumer electronics, hard furnishings, toys, medical equipment, etc.
For color palette development, color exchange and plastic product manufacturing