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[ Time: 2017-12-27 ]
  • Detailed Information

  Pantone color bridge coating GG6103N

Color Bridge Coated, the most widely used tool for graphic and digital designers, offers side-by-side visual comparisons of Pantone spot colors to their closest CMYK process print and corresponding CMYK, Hex and RGB values. Use color bridge coating for digital design, animation, and packaging when CMYK printing on coated paper is required.



Coated paper on a hand-held fan deck
Print to ISO certification, so the colors can be reproduced consistently
Printed on the most commonly used coated paper (100 pounds)
Lighting indicator page demonstrates when lighting conditions are suitable for color assessment



Quickly and easily visualize how CMYK printing matches Pantone
All PMS colors are displayed side-by-side with their CMYK, RGB, and Hex equivalents
In 2016, 1845 spot colors were released, including 112 new colors
Colors in color format display 112 new colors on the front
The index on the back of the guide provides the numerical position for each color



Used when making CMYK processes for digital design, animation, and packaging
The Pantone spot color is visually compared to its process printing equivalent
The only guide to providing HTML and RGB values for Pantone graphics spot colors

Colorimeter color light box gloss meter XML
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