Cotton chipset FHIC400
The cotton chipset is the most affordable palette development tool for textiles, fashion, home and interior designers. 2,310 Double Volume Reference for Market-Driven Colors for Fashion, Home and Indoor Systems, Cotton Chipset with Removable Tabs that Allow You to Place Color Palettes Select, Present, and Color Side by Side

Double Volume, Ring Binder Desktop Reference
There are 35 1 "x 1" removable tags on each page
Each label is a single layer of cotton fabric affixed to an almost indestructible YUPO paper
The removable label format allows simple color comparisons and palette development
Each tab identifies the color name, number, and location in the book

Includes 210 new market-driven colors
All Pantone cotton colors are formulated for fulfillment and fastness
The colors are arranged in a color format, with the index at the back providing the numeric position for each color
Each color refers to the corresponding color card, the standard of color accuracy

For textiles, clothing, soft home and interior products
Used for palette development, mood board, presentations and internal color communication