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Spectrophotometer: the first choice for reliable forensic an

Time: 2018-01-04

Spectrophotometer: the first choice for reliable forensic analysis


Just a few days ago I found myself discussing various applications of color measurement with my friends. A good friend of mine, an undercover drug officer, told me that police forces rely on spectrophotometers for evidence analysis almost daily. Although I am familiar with many other uses of spectrophotometers and color analysis, the new area of spectrophotometry I want to dig deeper into.

Spectrometry is commonly used in the analysis of forensic pharmacology and toxicology and is valued for its non-destructive methods and accuracy
Picture credit: Flickr user US Army RDECOM
The role of spectrophotometer in forensic pharmacology and toxicology
The fact is that spectrophotometers and color analysis play a crucial role in the analysis of forensic pharmacology and toxicology. Although microscopy is an important tool in forensic analysis, spectrophotometers have the power to analyze visible light and require only a small sample size for analysis. In addition, various spectroscopic methods, such as ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR) and near infrared (NIR), can evaluate different areas of the visible spectrum without affecting the integrity of the sample, thus allowing multiple analyzes of a single piece of evidence .
Pharmacology and Toxicology Sample analysis is important for medical and legal researchers as it provides the ability to make information about cause of death, intoxication and / or possible drug use. Evidence collected at the crime scene may include unknown medications or only traces of substances that need to be analyzed. If a substance has been taken, it may be less concentrated and, in some cases, the chemical may change significantly. Advanced Spectrophotometers use color to analyze the chemical structure of a sample by measuring its absorbance. With the beer rule, forensic analysis separates the properties of unknown substances by color absorption and output data. This process is usually used as a preliminary test to determine the purpose of further testing of unknown compounds.
Spectrophotometers use the absorbance value to separate and identify unknown substances for forensic analysis
Picture credit: Flickr user Jack Spades
UV spectrophotometer for forensic analysis
UV spectroscopy is the identification of the preferred method of identification. Body fluids are often the key evidence in forensic examinations and the non-destructive method of UV spectroscopy provides a solution for multiple sample selection analyzes. Biochemical analysis may be effective, but requires destructive methods and the use of dangerous substances. The UV spectrophotometer is also very accurate and can be designed for portability and durability. These factors are a direct advantage of court analysis and crime scene investigations.
Spectrophotometry often reveals important details of the crime scene.
Picture credit: Flickr user Ariane Middel
Advanced spectrophotometry can also solve the viscosity and sample changes, the instrument can be designed to measure changes in matter. Quantitative data enable forensic analysts to accurately interpret key evidence and provide reliable results. Human eye analysis has a high subjectivity, can not guarantee accurate results, and there will be a great error. There is absolutely no room for error in this area. Today's researchers have created spectrophotometers that utilize human-eye technology and provide objective data that can be maintained in investigation reports.
3NH is a leader in advanced spectrophotometry. For more than 20 years in the field of color measurement, 3NH has developed a wide range of products to meet the needs of various industries. We offer a wide range of rugged, portable devices designed for advanced absorption analysis. Forensic analysis relies on UV spectroscopy, and with the new research and development of color analysis, the instruments are constantly changing to allow accurate results and data. 3NH is committed to leading the competition in R & D, but we do our best to provide personalized attention to customer needs and changes. Contact 3NH to learn more about new advances in spectrophotometry for today's forensic analysis.

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