Louvre Pyramid 1 Amazing glass: 15 Creative use of architectural glass

Glass Building - The transparent, ethereal nature of glass gives the architectural community extraordinary inventiveness. Glass From the pyramid-shaped light to the sunny balcony of 1300 feet in the sky, it is a truly versatile material for creative architects. To celebrate the importance of glass to our home, office and life, here's the world's masterpiece of glass architecture: 15 creative uses of architectural glass.
France Saint-Cloud Sports Leisure Center


St Cloud Sports and Leisure Center in France 1 Stunning glass: 15 creative uses of architectural glass

With the Sports Leisure Center in St Cloud France, Cowes architects have shown that color and glass can create miracles for the human spirit. The building is the ultimate children's recreation center, a vast, vibrant environment that stimulates free play and plenty of room for creativity. The façade of the building is decorated with glass, stained with pixelated colors for visual aesthetics. When it comes to color, glass and light, Koz Architects' architecture is obviously the most advanced today.
Sports and Leisure Center Gallery


Sergascao Architects


The Selgańska Building Office is a creative glass capsule in a quiet Spanish forest. The facades and ceilings of the office are completely open to the surrounding nature thanks to the clear glass walls. Throughout the seasons, workers in Sergasca are directly aligned with their environment. If you have not seen this architectural gem before, it's also on our list of beautiful office designs. Here again, Sergascano Architects celebrates again thanks to the great Ivan photography.
Selgas Cano Building Office Gallery



Sears glass balcony
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