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Protein Measurement: Calculate the absorbance value with a s

Time: 2017-12-26

Protein Measurement: Calculate the absorbance value with a spectrophotometer


December is just beginning, but I am already thinking about my New Year's resolution, eating better and exercising more. For many, nutrition is the first step in improving health and the new trend of increasing protein in the diet may be a good starting point. Proteins are a hot commodity in the health food industry and are commonly used as supplements in meals, milkshakes and powders to increase calorie intake to meet a variety of nutritional needs. Protein measurement is not only necessary as a nutrient element, but also as a diagnostic tool in the pharmaceutical industry. Purified protein derivatives (PPDs) are commonly used to detect tuberculosis (TB) and require accurate measurements for correct application and use.

Pharmaceutical Needle Protein Measurement
Purified proteins have many different uses and applications, from food to medicine. Its role in detecting tuberculosis and its use as a nutritional supplement is of high value
Source: Flickr user Melissa Wiese
Protein measurement is necessary for these various medical applications, depending on the precise calculation of absorbance values ​​using a spectrophotometer. The ability to quantify protein concentration levels provides the necessary information for protein measurement analysis and use. Researchers Using Protein Measurement Methods for Purifying Protein Derivatives and Multiple Protein Assays The spectrophotometer was designed to obtain protein measurements and provide convenient and accurate results.
Protein measurement and analysis
Proteins are a readily available resource that can be obtained from a variety of sources. Proteins can be derived from plant and animal products and used for various purposes. The protein measurements for these products are required to meet the strict FDA (Food and Drug Administration) daily value percentage (DV%) and properly labeled guidelines. The spectrophotometer measures absorbance values ​​from the intrinsic chromophores tryptophan, tyrosine and cystine (the cysteine ​​in oxidized disulfide bonds) to determine the level of protein concentration in a given sample. Protein measurements with low levels of absorbance can be very difficult to detect, and advanced spectrophotometry can only be quantified by using light absorption measurements.
Food Map Protein Measurement
Proteins are an important part of the human diet and can be obtained from a variety of plant and animal sources
Photo credit: Flickr user USDA
Proteins are often concentrated into powders or supplements, most commonly from whey, soy and casein. These are considered complete proteins because they contain the nine amino acids that are required in the human diet. Whey protein has the highest water solubility of intact proteins and is easy to use in the health food industry. Spectrophotometric analysis of the concentration levels in these products provides the most ideal method for the quantitation of proteins. The light absorption measurement method is not only convenient and quick, but also provides the most non-destructive method of protein measurement.
Protein powder is a very versatile and desirable product in the health food industry. Spectrophotometers provide the simplest, most accurate and nondestructive method for analysis
Image Source: Flickr User Health Assessment
Absorption equipment
Spectrophotometers are the best instrument of choice when it comes to protein measurement. The use of light absorption to quantify the level of protein in a sample is necessary for proper labeling, compliance with regulatory standards, and for quality assurance purposes. Whether it is a concentration level in purified protein derivatives (PPDs) used for medical diagnostic purposes or various protein assays used in the food industry, spectrophotometers are easy to use and versatile enough to suit a wide range of applications. 3NH is a leader in light absorption and color technology, focusing on the needs of food and medicine. Contact 3NH to learn more about the color measurement options that are right for you.

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