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Color blindness and color blindness test

Time: 2017-12-22
Color blindness and color blindness test

Color blind people can not discern the difference between certain colors. This is due to the absence of retinal cells, such as red-blind, red-sensitive pyramidal cells, and green-blind, lacking green-sensitive, pyramidal cells.
     Research on color and vision cells can understand that most color vision problems come from genetic and genetic changes. About 7% -8% of men and 1% of women are color blind.
Color blind people saw what?
A completely colorblind person can no longer see the red, green, blue or mixed colors of these colors. The most common types of color blindness are red color blindness, green color blindness, and they often think of red and green colors as the same. There are some common color-blind test pictures.
Rainbow colors
Normal color vision
Rainbow colors
Retinal photoreceptor cells missing green
Color blindness and color blindness test Color blindness and color blindness test
Rainbow colors
Retinal photoreceptor cells missing red
Rainbow colors
Blue retinal receptor is missing
Color blindness and color blindness test Color blindness and color blindness test
Color blind test
Your computer and monitor may not display the correct colors, and if you can not see the numbers, this does not necessarily mean that you are color blind
The results of this test are not considered as valid medical tests. If you think you have a defective color vision, consult a regular medical institution.
The color of normal vision should be number 74 Those with normal eyesight should have a number of 29, a red-green color blind of 7
Normal vision color should be 6th Normal eyesight can not read any number. Red green blind should be changed to 5. Panchromatic blind can not read any number

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