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Color Choices for Pigments and Coatings: How Spectrophotomet

Time: 2017-12-26

Color Choices for Pigments and Coatings: How Spectrophotometers Make Speculation from Sample Matching


Humans are always looking for ways to communicate their unique style. Due to the influence of social media, television and print media, the way color is continually expressed and selected through choices and colors, color palettes are constantly growing every day. If the world is our canvas, then we are the ones who take the brush.

Social media, television and magazines are creating more desire for color choices and changes
Picture credit: John Morgan, Flickr user
Every day, consumers choose color choices: what color car to buy, what color to choose, decorative wall paint and more. Due to the sheer number of color changes, finding the right color choice and exactly matching the color is where the real challenge starts. Color measurement provides a solution to pairing paints and coatings with sample selection by using state-of-the-art spectrophotometers, eliminating the guesswork of color matching.
The importance of color measurement
The researchers noted that "the dramatic changes in the spectral composition of the light reflected from the surface cause itself a dreaded gamut of more than 100,000 distinguishable colors, and the changes we give the names of these colors are limited only by human experience Limit. "This makes color selection very subjective. However, color measurement technology provides a sophisticated and objective process that enables manufacturers to quantify the accuracy and repeatability of color data.
Changes in color are limited only by human perception and experience. Spectrophotometers provide accurate color measurement, providing quantifiable data for accurate color matching
Photo credit: Flickr user Darren Johnson
Many paint and coatings industries understand the importance of precise color matching in quality control. Ken Phillips, director of marketing at HunterLab, gives a real world example of how color measurement can affect the quality assurance of the automotive industry. He explained: "It is important to achieve the designer's aesthetic intent by combining two identical colors and" color matching "with each other.If the car's rear-view mirror or bumper does not match the exterior of the vehicle, it is considered that these components Is flawed, not "color harmony." It is possible that vendors of these components may pay too much to solve the problem. "
When there is a change in "color harmony," the product is not always rejected immediately. Consumers who find differences between color-selective samples and actual product results quickly learn to relate these findings to quality, which in turn affects consumer choice. Therefore, it is disadvantageous to eliminate the color change before processing stage and distribution. The sooner these color offsets are detected, the less time and money spent on correcting the issues.
Consumers make purchase choices based on color choices and expect color samples to match the product
Photo credit: Flickr user Jocelyn
The correct choice of spectrophotometer
The ability to mix colors precisely to match color choices depends on the reason for using the spectrophotometer. Not only color choices include hue, saturation, and color values, but other features such as matte or gloss are associated with texture and color perception. Spectrophotometers are designed to measure color in both reflective and transmissive modes, where three-dimensional properties of the color of the light are absorbed or reflected. All of these features must be taken into account to get an accurate color choice sample.
3NH offers the expertise and options you need to meet the diverse needs of the paint and coatings industry, with a wide selection of spectrophotometer options. 3NH can help you choose the instrument that best suits your specific industry and budget needs. Contact 3NH today and see how we can help you unlock the color world.

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