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Color Management: How to invest in spectrophotometers today

Time: 2017-12-26

Color Management: How to invest in spectrophotometers today leads to more profitable tomorrow


At a time when times are tough, it seems that cutting corners on color management is saving these extra dollars, but unfortunately this usually has the opposite effect. In the past decade, the dismissal of workers has become reality for many, with pay cuts and frozen pay. When we get out of this recession, we have only limited resources and outdated technology. Color management and approval are often fragmented between fewer employees and new color product development and production growth, meeting manufacturing and quality standards as real challenges. If we were to put ourselves under the spectrophotometer today, then in the highly competitive global market, we are scrambling to meet the color management standards and we'll see the color of 

Candy color management
Color technology is crucial to quality control in the global marketplace. There is no room for cutting corners
Image Source: Flickr user Amy
Save money
Did you know that in the United States, there are 165 billion U.S. dollars of food waste each year, often due to the failure of color management. Loss of income continues to increase due to the increase in the amount of wasted material due to color changes in other industries such as plastics, coatings, solvents and coatings. When color management is overlooked, the transport of many substandard materials is often rejected and returned, contributing even more to indirect costs. Even as products enter the consumer path without meeting color management standards, product names and companies are quickly becoming known for their lack of quality, and buyers are likely to shift to more reliable products.
Quality control and color management go hand in hand. No color changes were found at any time and it took valuable time to make corrections. This often results in increased labor costs for reprocessing or discards of material again. What is clear is that investing in technology can prevent these mistakes before they happen, which is an investment in profitability.
Paint color management in paint
Color matching paint and paint is an important part of the automotive industry. Any color conversion during processing will result in product rejection
Photo credit: Flickr user Sarah Larson
The difference between new technologies
When you rely on visual analysis or outdated equipment, errors and costs increase. Today's spectrophotometers provide state-of-the-art technology to accurately monitor and analyze color management-controlled chromatic aberration. With state-of-the-art spectrophotometers, color matching, batch-size variations, and the ability to create a broader color range with fewer colorant inventories can be done. New instrument technology virtually eliminates all the common challenges of quality control in color measurement. The ability to control lighting and background disturbances, adapt to various batch sizes, and measure various sample formats (ie, liquids, solids, and powders) has been tailored to specific markets or needs.
Color management plastic
Color measurement technology continues to evolve, and instrument design is now meeting industry standards and regulatory requirements
Picture credit: Flickr user Horia Varlan
Spectrophotometers eliminate many of the difficulties associated with visual assessment and color standards and are constantly changing to meet not only consumer expectations, but also industry standards and regulations. These new standards have undergone constant revision and are increasingly dependent on the latest technologies of colorimetric and spectrophotometric methods. Newly designed standards lead to major improvements in color quality control, such as the Single-tone Passthrough (SNSP) system and total color difference ΔE.
In addition to these advances, quality control organizations such as USDA (USDA) and EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) are constantly revising standards and regulations for color usage and technology. Spectrophotometer manufacturers must constantly adapt their products to meet these color measurement standards for many food and environmental regulations in the chemical and plastics industries.
Choose the correct instrument
Whether food, paint, paint or plastic, color and quality control are all necessary conditions to maintain a competitive edge. When looking for new or updated instrumentation that meets evolving standards and accurately measures various materials, it is important to choose a company that has a relationship with its customers and industry. HunterLab is a trusted brand in color technology and spectrophotometers, with impeccable records of customer satisfaction and support. HunterLab understands and understands customers and their respective markets in an effort to respond to the changing global economy. Contact Wing Hin today and let us show you our commitment to the world of color.

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