First of all, recognizing how color is generated is the first step in understanding this problem. Here are two examples of two color sources (see below)
We have learned in front of the entity for the color is formed by the object reflects the natural light, for painting or paint as well. For the monitor or TV above the color is a combination of a variety of colored light to form, if you get close to the TV, you can see the small bright spots of these colors (the display due to the higher resolution is more difficult to see) , Of course, for now are the case of the liquid crystal display, to see these light-emitting point is still more difficult, but the same can be understood through the following figure:
We have learned in front of the three primary colors inside the color system, if you forget the look below
From the above picture we can conclude that there is no color in the additive system is black, so black is not a color, and white is the product of the three primary colors, so white in the additive system is a color.
Then we look at color reduction system, you can also understand the following icon.

The above two (RYB used in the pigment color, CMYK used in the field of printing) are common color reduction system, we can come to the conclusion that black is a mixture of various colors, so black is a Color, and white is no color, so white is not a color.
To sum up, the two seemingly contradictory conclusions, telling us that discussing whether black and white are hues, and which color system to use, does not make sense, helped us to review the nature of the additive and subtractive systems , Can also be used as a small topic of learning.
Choose the correct instrument
Whether it's food, paint, paint or plastic, color and quality control are all necessary conditions to stay competitive. When looking for new or updated instruments that meet changing standards and accurately measure a wide range of materials, it is important to choose a company that is relevant to your customers and industry. 3NH is a trusted brand of color technology and spectrophotometers, impeccable customer satisfaction and support records. 3NH understands and understands customers and their respective markets in an effort to cope with the global economic changes. Today we contact 3NH and let us show you our commitment to the world of color.