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Magic effect of paint orange decoration

Time: 2017-12-22
Pigment Orange 36 for the magical effect of the restaurant decoration

Pigment orange is a happy and happy color, giving the feeling of autumn harvest, is a steady and crisp warm, mixed with a little bit of black is burnt color, plus a little bit of white became sweet of char Sugar color, warm and satisfying, steady and mature, with a touch of autumn romance, warm and safe feeling, so a lot of romantic occasions like to use orange.
So what is the reason to promote pigment orange so amazing effect? Pursuing its fundamental or from its own physical and chemical properties to say.

Global paint
Chemical Name Pigment Orange 36
Chinese alias: CI Pigment Orange 36; benzimidazolone orange HL; Pigment Orange 36; 2 - [(4-chloro-2- nitrophenyl) azo] -N- Oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl) -3-oxobutanamide
English name: Pigment Orange 36
Product Features
Physical and chemical properties:
Hue or shade: red orange
Density /(g/cm3):.62
Bulk density / (lb / gal): 12.7-13.3
Melting point / ° C: 330 [1] Average particle size / μm: 300
Particle shape: Rods
Specific surface area / (m2 / g): 17
pH / (10% slurry): 6
Oil absorption / (g / 100g): 80
Hiding power: Translucent
Relative density: 1.66g / cm3
Global paint
Product Usage
The pigment formulations grade 11, gives a red orange, hue 68.1 degrees (1 / 3SD, HDPE). Novoperm orange HL 26m2 / g, orange HL70 specific surface area 20m2 / g, PV Fast red HFG specific surface area of ​​60m2 / g. With excellent light fastness to weathering, used in automotive paint (OEM), has good rheology, increased pigment concentration does not affect the gloss; with quinacridone, inorganic chromium pigment spell; for packaging light fastness 6-7 grade (1 / 25SD), metal decorative ink, solvent resistance, excellent light resistance; PVC light fastness 7-8 (1 / 3-1 / 25SD), HDPE does not occur in the dimensional distortion, Can be used for unsaturated polyester.
Pigment Orange 36 is a clear pigment used as a safety reminder in the industry. Such as mountaineering suits, outdoor uniforms, car body, need to pay attention to the safety of the place. At the same time as a festive color, there are rich and powerful feeling, such as the decoration of the palace, many are using orange, giving a warm and noble feeling, restaurants are also often used, the fragrance of autumn can cause people to appetite color , This is really explain the orange as the main color of the restaurant business is good reason.

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