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Color reproduction test chart

[ Time: 2017-12-28 ]
  • Detailed Information

Sineimage DTV color reproduction test chart YE0226

Sineimage DTV color reproduction test chart YE0226 Transparent is designed to evaluate the color reproduction of HDTV cameras. The test chart consists of 36 color patches and a 9-level grayscale. In addition to the primary and secondary colors, the test chart mainly contains colors that are important for copying, such as dark and light skin colors, leaves, blue sky, orange, violets and so on.

Color reproduction test chart


model YE0226
Types of Transparent
format Custom design
ratio 16:9



The chart consists of 36 patches and 9 gradations. In addition to the primary and secondary colors (blue, green, red, yellow, purple, and cyan), the test chart mainly contains colors that are important for replication, such as dark and light skin tones, leaves, blue sky, orange , Violet and so on.
The colorimetric report for the 36 colors is shown on the next page.
9 grayscale grading as follows:
step density transmission%
1 0.00 100
2 0.06 88
3 0.20 63
4 0.36 44
0.55 28
6 0.81 16
7 1.15 7
8 1.65 2
9 > 3.00 0
 Density is the first step based on grayscale
Some filters used do not fade, especially if exposed to sunlight (UV rays). Therefore, we recommend storing the chart in an unused folder or case. We also recommend and provide chart recalibration after 3 years of regular use.
Colorimetric data YE0226 - Transparent standard light source D65
No.                 colour                    X ÿ ž U' V` X ÿ ž CB CR
1 Dark skin 0126 0116 0.060 0250 0510 0420 0,390 68000 -16,400 18000
2 Light skin 0438 0401 0301 0240 0490 0380 0350 136,100 -14,400 26700
3 Blue sky 0,175 0198 0312 0170 0440 0260 0290 93,400 13600 -17,700
4 leaf 0.072 0123 0020 0150 0560 0340 0580 66800 -38,300 -23,200
Blue flowers 0352 0334 0565 0,200 0430 0280 0270 124,900 20400 1800
6 blue-green 0307 0419 0438 0150 0480 0260 0,360 137,100 -0,140 -40,100
7 orange 0410 0337 0046 0290 0540 0520 0420 116100 -62,500 50,900
8 Purple blue 0,180 0188 0550 0150 0,360 0,200 0,200 84000 43,400 -41,600
9 Medium red 0292 0210 0134 0310 0490 0460 0,320 88000 -10,100 49300
10 purple 0121 0075 0378 0,200 0280 0210 0130 46900 49,100 8100
11 yellow-green 0458 0615 0261 0170 0530 0340 0460 169,000 -44,400 -19,500
12 Orange yellow 0538 0,485 0084 0270 0540 0490 0440 144 400 -68,900 45,200
13 Blue flowers 0099 0048 0550 0,160 0,180 0140 0.070 18400 81,400 -29,400
14 green 0103 0224 0.050 0110 0560 0270 0590 81300 -38,800 -74,900
15 red 0316 0,160 0.003 0460 0530 0660 0330 35,500 -25,700 102500
16 yellow 0508 0581 0.033 0220 0560 0450 0520 157,200 -116,900 20300
17 magenta 0429 0222 0560 0,320 0370 0350 0,180 69100 52900 80,100
18 blue 0481 0586 0940 0,160 0440 0240 0290 163000 24800 -46,100
19   0253 0246 0140 0230 0510 0,400 0380 104900 -20,400 18,100
20   0631 0600 0498 0230 0490 0,360 0350 168,200 -13,200 24000
21   0348 0330 0244 0230 0490 0380 0,360 123500 -14,400 19900
22   0132 0301 0.070 0110 0560 0260 0590 90200 -39,200 -103,400
23   0348 0438 0553 0,160 0460 0260 0330 141,600 8400 -34,000
24   0512 0515 0783 0190 0440 0280 0280 156,500 18600 -3,900
25   0334 0208 0020 0380 0530 0590 0370 75 700 -43,100 74,200
26   0401 0550 0438 0,160 0,500 0290 0,400 159,200 -14,500 -35,700
27   0158 0151 0563 0150 0330 0,180 0170 70600 52400 -45,600
28   0132 0095 0116 0280 0450 0380 0280 57,700 5500 28100
29   0215 0415 0454 0110 0480 0,200 0380 95,100 24,100 -168,900
30   0150 0078 0611 0190 0220 0,180 0.090 40300 74,200 4000
31   0279 0135 0146 0410 0440 0,500 0240 34300 24,300 90300
32   0793 0847 0,500 0210 0510 0370 0,400 200,600 -34,900 13500
33   0135 0161 0434 0140 0380 0190 0220 70700 40,100 -62,100
34   0.014 0074 0.060 0.050 0510 0,100 0490 35300 2800 -84,000
35   0626 0540 0232 0270 0520 0450 0,390 155100 -37,600 47,100
36   0410 0436 0288 0210 0,500 0,360 0380 143400 -21,300 8900

All values calculated from the chromaticity measurements (CIE-XYZ values) of ITU Rec. 709. The brightness is related to patch 37's picture white (= 100% transmission)


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